CLAAS LEXION Crop flow - APS HYBRID SYSTEM animation / 2011

CLAAS LEXION Crop flow - APS HYBRID SYSTEM animation / 2011{

The APS HYBRID SYSTEM -- threshing technology from CLAAS -- represents the combination of two outstanding technologies: the tangential APS threshing system and the highly efficient ROTO PLUS residual grain separation system. The LEXION from CLAAS - Further information on More a.

CLAAS LEXION Crop flow - APS HYBRID SYSTEM animation / 2011

- Does it come with a bulldozer to level all the ruts?
- Boa tem que vir pro Brasil já
- trop bien
- Лучший из лучших 👍
- Just a Average Everyday Combine with a Rotary type Strawwalkers
- Sir tell me how to repair rice harvester machine please make a new vedio thank you
- No
- claas ma siłe... moim zdaniem najlepsze kombajny...