Catfish Farming In Cement Tank In Asia|hybrid magur fish farming in india

Catfish Farming In Cement Tank In Asia|hybrid magur fish farming in india{

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Catfish Farming In Cement Tank In Asia|hybrid magur fish farming in india

- F’n gross, completely unnatural
- Shit ponds. 🤢
- Sooooo many 🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟
- So many fishes in such a small area, I feel really bad for them, we humans are so insensitive.
- wow amazing fish
- To many fish for one pond. The bottom has to be filthy with left over food and poop. Should be moved at least ONCE a month.
- Parabéns irmão show, muito bom amigo de ver
- Chyba moje akwarium ma mało ryb :D
- i am interested
- Ma perchè deve entrare in vasca per dar da mangiare ai pesci, è troppo difficile farlo da fuori ? Il progresso o l' intelligenza non è passata dalle vostre parti.
- this is too overcrowded.
- IS very biutiful
- The water look filthy
- the way he get on the water 😪 I'll be scared
- Aby
- This is the next investment I will do
- This looks nasty. Why?
- Beautiful
- 👋Hello. Mrs Jane is legit and her method works like magic I keep on earning every single week with her new strategy?