Canadian Foodgrains Bank Winter Wheat Harvest 2016- 18 Combines -Killarney, Manitoba{

Proceeds from this winter wheat harvest in Killarney, Manitoba go towards helping those in need, in an attempt to help end hunger. Music: “Aerials” by Lights & Motion By Arrangement with Deep Elm Records

Canadian Foodgrains Bank Winter Wheat Harvest 2016- 18 Combines -Killarney, Manitoba

- How many acres does the combine work on?
- ❤️
Tu sobie zobacz aniołki na pomnik no i chyba ok co nie? - A mob allways needs cover
- Зачем срезают в валки? Сушат?🤔 А потом молотят
- Why are you harvesting across the crop?
- Man I could only imagine the lag if this was on FS 19 -nice vid
- That’s Canada for ya doin good
- Awesome video
- I believe that some of the largest farms on earth are perhaps the King Ranch in Texas were apparently need a helicopter to cover ur property, however l believe that some the largest fields on earth are in Alberta Canada were so e the actual fields according to the Guinness world record is a field in Alberta that is 70 thousand acres, thus explaining the film with 18 monster combines
- Vůně chleba je nepřekonatelná!
- Beautiful video
- How in the world can all the combines face one direction to pick up the swathes? The swathers go up one way and back the other laying the swathe. Half the combines would be picking up ''heads first' and other half straw first...........can these newer combines pick up ''straw first' without plugging or growling like a wounded buffalo? Somebody please explain..
- Por que usam duas colhedeira para colher o trigo?
- Now that my OCD is appeased I can get on with my day!
- could the use of so many combines be done more efficiently, to let more money go to those in need?
- Well we sure as hell dont do that in loose grain out of the heads doing it that way...thats why they made Combines...we harvest when it time..not windrow crap here...been farming in my family for over 150 yrs ..we use combines...but each part of the World is different. Look at the machines in Europe..they are ahead of America on lots of big machines...and they are made by JohnDeere...Case..and others...farming is different for sure..
- نتمنى لكم الصحة والسلامة ومزيداً من التقدم والنجاح
- Vorr mange milioner liter vann trenger dere og spre utåver for og produsere korn på mega gårder har dere nokk vann tapper dere for grunnvann mye grunnvann i gjenn va om det er gjift i grunvann så det ikke kann brukes for kravet på sprøytemidel er så strenge dere ikke engang får levert kornet for dere hat brukt så mye sprøytemidel og det har trekt ned i grunvanet så neste gang man skall vanne åkrene så er vannet for gifti så kornet ikke kann leveres for det er for mye gift va skjer da?
- Rart med det menn vorr mye fisk må 8 milliarder mensker ha 8 milliarder kg fisk om ver fisk veier 1 kg det blir en fin summ i tonars 8 milliarder tånn fisk vor mye fisk er det i havet?
- Vorr mange dager trenger mann for og tømme hele havet for fisk vist menske seterigang hele verdens fiskeflåte vor lang tid har dere sjøen fiskere brukt for og tømme verdensavet ved og fiske ut ale jyteplassene?