Australia wheat harvest 2018

Australia wheat harvest 2018{

Wheat harvest at Watheroo 2018/2019, Dji spark ~LAKEVIEW PHOTOGRAPHY~

Australia wheat harvest 2018

- What Was Your Per Acre Yield Mate ?
- Anu have h2 wheat
- Sorry, how much is the price of a ton of barley in Australia?
- 🤩🤩🤩🤩
- In which month start the harvest wheat in Australia can someone tell me please ?
- What part of Australia is this?
- I am india harvesters 8872222702
- Hi, super video! May I ask which company this is?
- Looks like shaving. But of land.
- Vary nice
- Sesame video
- Bellissima Austalia io ci sono stato poter vivere in quel mondo è troppo bello non ci sono parole ❤❤❤👋👋👋👋
- Good drone pics, good music and nice equipment = Very Very good video
- giving this video a like !!!!!!
- i love the spark! great footage
- great video
- How much money does these harvesters made?
- Good vid mate
- Good to see you guys learning that Deere is the only way to go