Kids Of The Corn Farm (HBO){

Each summer Nemire's Detasseling in Michigan hires hundreds of thirteen to sixteen year olds to work in their corn fields doing what is known as detasseling. It's a process where one goes row by row to remove the tops of corn in order to control pollination. VICE News follows 13-year old detassele.

Kids Of The Corn Farm (HBO)

- Detasseling is a process where one goes row by row to remove the tops of corn in order to control pollination. VICE News follows 13-year old detasseler Abigail on the job.
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- This little girl can work, what's your excuse ?
A zaglądaliście tu? - oprogramowanie do biura rachunkowego , ok, ma dobre opinie. - Shoot I have to do this tomorrow morning. Field work is no joke💯
- I'm sorry, but blasting a tassel off of your boot is fun that only people in corn country truly understand. No throwing tassels... Pfft. You don't even throw them. You whip it off the bottom of your boot and a little piece will break off at something like the speed of light. You can aim them pretty good with a little practice too.
- I de tasseled corn as a kid. It was great money for my age and time. Very tough work to be sure. Helped to give me great work ethic.
- Minimum wage for detasseling?? I detasseled in Iowa in the mid to late 90s and made double the minimum wage. Find a different crew that will pay you better!
- This job is useless
- People who do this job are stupid
- This is slavery and we need to ban it now
- Minimum wage? We are making $10 an hour without attendance bonus in Iowa back in the mid 2010’s.
- 100 people who disliked this video are losers, this hard working young girl is an inspiring role model for many youngsters
- Saving money for a vehicle that will depreciate value immediately? Bad investment
- Major children of the corn vibes here
- Several of my friends did this in the late 1970s, and made about $500 in just a few weeks (I had absolutely no desire to join them myself). They talked about wearing tank tops, shorts, and flip-flops the first time, and realized pretty quickly that the leaders were right - they were more comfortable in a flannel shirt, jeans, and boots.
- Damn. These kids are getting played. I got payed 13.50 to do this.
- When she's on the bus eating, she gives me Shia Lebouf vibes from Holes lol
- i get 12 an hour
- so, america has child labour? didnt know that. :/ third world country for real. guns, child labour, corrupt cops, racism is very high. yikes.
- Buy the car get the hell out of dodge matter what they will have the grit in life
- This should be mandatory for every state...