A Brief History of Cereals

A Brief History of Cereals{

Cereals have been with humanity for thousands of years, helping us invent agriculture and feed billions of people. In this video, we will skim through a summarized and brief history of these crops and what journey they have had with humanity. Crops like wheat, barley, rye, maize, millet, rice, fonio.

A Brief History of Cereals

- Magically delicious;)🍀
- I sat up today and thought, "How is it that grass managed to help build most of human civilization? I'm going to search youtube to see if anyone has made a video on that." Thanks for helping to sate my bizzare curiosity!
- This video was so fun!
- very useful for my schoolwork, danke, subscribed.
- ooooh this video was good
- Corrections:
Millet was not domesticated in Asia. It was domesticated in Africa. I confused this for the oldest archaeological evidence of millet farming, which is found in Asia, specifically India.
It's not actually spelled 'Ngula' Cave, but rather 'Ngalue' Cave.
- uwu