5th Cut Hay & Sorghum Harvest{

Merch: https://10thgenerationdairyman.com/ Thank You!.

5th Cut Hay & Sorghum Harvest

- It a day and night different we have 2 discbines one with flails on it the other rubber rolls and a self propelled haybine
- We have never cut it with a disc mower we always chopped it with a corn header great video though
czytaj dalej osuszanie budynków Lublin jak uważacie, ja sądze że jest ok. - Why did actually try and smell that?..
- Thanks for another great video of your harvesting operation. I was wondering if you are planning on testing and then comparing the grain sorghum silage stored in the bags VS the silo. And I am also curious if sorghum tests higher in protein than the Triticale silage. It will be interesting to see how your cows respond to it as well.. Maybe you can post a video when you start feeding it out of the bags.. Hope your bean harvest goes well.
- You have a service menu for your cows. Hope they appreciate it.
- Hey Eric, looks like you harvested that sorghum 7-10 too late. Dont let those kernels harden because they wont get processed in the chopper and will just exist the cow's digestive system as whole seeds.
- Very good video
- Question, why did y'all sickle mow and windrow the sorghum instead of just direct cut with the harvester like you do with corn? Is it moisture issue? We use to harvest sorghum back in 90s and we had to use a special pull behind harvester to cut it for our silage pile. It's definitely a different smell kinda like sugarcane
- hay Id get a small harvastore and put it right next to the feed house for whatever corn salig just shave it all out and store it and use it all up
- Nice vid , I started my own YouTube channel called Marky the Farmer. We have a 200 milking cow dairy farm and some cash crop in Southern Ontario.
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- did anybody else see the ball at 10:32 just roll behind them.?
- How much thus farmers really earn anually
- Just wondering....why didn't you use the chopper to harvest the sorghum?
- If I ever came into a lot of money, I'd buy a dairy farm in Lancaster County and move my cows down there. It's whole different world down there than up here in the northern part of the state.
- I have a couple questions regarding your New Holland Mower. Does it do a very nice job cutting? How fast do you cut hay? Do you have high Ash content in your forages? What is the working width of the Mower? Great videos thank you.
- Always fun trying new things. Had a neighbor have a semi wreck hauling just picked cotton wreck in front of his house. It got the trailer load due to him offer to clean it up. Feed it to a group of heifers all winter. Fattest cows you ever saw!
- Great video. Your dad should grab the camera and hang out lol