What a crazy day on the farm. Soybean harvest, wheat planting, and a tractor accident was all part of the video. I hope enjoy a day at Triple R Farms. THANKS FOR WATCHING.


- Daniel, our family really has come to enjoy your videos. I especially enjoy your dad as he hangs on to the past while not shutting the door on the future. As a 63 year old, I fully understand where he's coming from. We understand where we came from and what it took to survive. And survive is the word.
- Should be 44 kernels in a square foot?
Moim zdaniem take, cukiernia lublin , można zawsze zdobyć nową wiedzę. - Not having the right tools is why you drive a service truck or have tool boxes full of tools on your truck instead of a looks good city truck! But what do I know about anything?
- Best weather I've ever seen down here ever since moving to South Carolina 6 plus Years ago to now 2021.
- Who ever was driving and thought it was a power issue. Must not no equip to well
- If your planting wheat for profit ,you purchase a Bourgault 3320 paralink drill. One Pass
P.s like your vids.
- 🔥hey guyz, sure is a nice looking light. Pete’s Gona be all dialed up. darn dump truck, never ending seems like.. seeding and harrows doing great job. Love that new jd tractor she’s beauty 🔥👊🔥🏍🛻🚜🚂🔨
- Nice video
- Dang Roy will be styling in the Pete with those new headlights!
- I bet you will find the drill does better. We plant grass every fall and every spring and the drill always does better then broadcasting.
- Excellent drone pilot Daniel. 🛬🛬👍👍
- Nothing prettier than a fresh winter wheat field. If you see a motorhome driving by slow to check it out, that will be us. ;)
- Hey Daniel, what size tires are on your truck? Does your truck have a leveling kit? Thanks
- Great video
- You could have gotten them from Automan a hole lot less expensive. Just to let y'all know for the next time
- carry on Daniel you are doing a great job keep things going..
- Great video. Good job on the drone footage.
Hate the dump truck screwed up your day. We've had three accidents over the years and all three were (we call em dumb trucks around here) dumps. They just want slow down and move over to help you out any.
You're like MacGyver with the hand full of tools fixing stuff.
Take care.
Hello Granny
- A little Shade Tree Mechanic in us All. Great Job done with limited tools. McGyver'd 101!!!
- Uhhhh,,,, why was that rolling basket delivered to you like that???