2021 Corn Harvest with On Track Farming

2021 Corn Harvest with On Track Farming{

In this video I am out in the field with On Track Farming from the Gibson City Illinois area as they are busy harvesting their 2021 corn crop. In this video you will see lots of actions as they harvest corn with their two Claas Lexion 8800 combines with 16 row Gerringhoff heads. Hauling the corn fro.

2021 Corn Harvest with On Track Farming

- Это загневаюший запад? 😒
- Прям как в сказке 👍👍👍
- Varry nice job And varry nic forms
- UT1L4JE'
- I cannot think of a better candidate for robot automation than harvesting crop. A single operator sits in a remote control facility, perhaps in another county and directs the fleet .
- I am indian today indian rate 1400 indian rupay your corn 🌽 price discuss pl my eng language poor thank you
- 40.000$/MONTH'
- Class'! BEST! of! THE! BEST!
- 👍👍👍
- 👍🇺🇸
- Congrats on 100k subscribers Mike, just beautiful camerawork, superb editing, brilliant stuff and great to watch
- 👍🏼👍🏼💪💪
- Nông nghiệp hiện đại
- those things look expensive.
- 1.12 thats one big field!
- 2 раз смотрю, и урожай классный как сами клаасы, да и что за музыка вестерн, молодцы,что сняли это все с высока.
- Good 👍
- สวัสดีคะ
- Were down by litchfeild IL